Empathy Prompts
Wear mittens
Put on that cozy winter gear and try playing a browser-based game.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like Arthritis.
Close your eyes and use a screen reader
Use either NVDA for Windows or VoiceOver for Mac to operate your computer.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like blindness.
Enable high contrast mode
Use this operating system setting on Mac or Windows to enable a special theme.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like cataracts.
Use NoCoffee
Add this low vision simulator extension to Google Chrome. Turn it on before using the web.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like color blindness or a blocked visual field.
Use a projector
See how your company’s website looks on a cheap projector.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like contrast loss.
Wake up early
Set an alarm for 2:45 AM and immediately try to book a flight for that vacation you’ve been dreaming about.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a cognitive condition like diminished problem-solving skills.
Install a bookmarklet
Add this Dyslexia simulator bookmarklet to your web browser. Turn it on before reading a news article.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a cognitive condition like Dyslexia.
Run your documents through a translator
Google offers a service to help with this. The lack of accuracy is the point!
This prompt helps you understand some of the cognitive challenges for having English as a second language.
Lower your screen's brightness
Use either your monitor’s settings, or do this through your operating system (Mac or Windows).
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like glare.
Use a screen magnifier
Use an operating system setting on Mac or a program on Windows to show a magnified version of your screen.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like Glaucoma.
Go to a loud coffee shop
Try and have a quiet conversation with a friend. A popular bar could also suffice.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have an auditory condition like hearing loss.
Sit on your dominant hand
You'll have to rely on your non-dominant hand.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like limb loss.
Slow down your connection
Use the Network tab in Google Chrome’s Developer Tools to throttle your network connection.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to use the internet in a low bandwidth situation.
Exercise strenuously
Try a full body workout, then try and prepare dinner from scratch. Remember to stretch and hydrate!
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like Multiple Sclerosis.
Borrow a pair of glasses
The prescription strength doesn’t matter. If you wear glasses already, take them off.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like near or farsightedness.
Zoom out
Resize the text on your browser to make it very small. Type Ctrl− on Windows or Cmd− on Mac until the text stops shrinking.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a visual condition like Nearsightedness.
Mute your speakers
Then try and watch a documentary.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have an auditory condition like neural hearing loss.
Speak in Pig Latin
Familiarize yourself with the rules, then exclusively use it to communicate.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a cognitive condition like an oral learning disability.
Unplug your mouse
Navigate your computer using the keyboard. Using the trackpad is cheating!
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like Parkinson’s disease.
Hold a Sharpie with your mouth
Keep your hands behind your back and try to use your computer with the improvised mouth stick.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like quadriplegia.
Listen to this video
Put on some earbuds and play this video. Then try and have a conversation with a coworker.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have an auditory condition like Tinnitus.
Try a simulation
These series of exercises demonstrate the different ways aphasia can manifest.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a cognitive condition like a traumatic brain injury.
Spin around
Once you’ve gotten dizzy, try solving a crossword puzzle on your smartphone.
This prompt helps you understand what it’s like to have a motor condition like vertigo.